时间:2007-08-28 作者:范妮莎•弗瑞德曼(Vanessa Friedman) 来源:《金融时报》  访问:



但是,我们该如何解释限量版“时尚”技术的突然涌现呢。例如,从吉尔斯•迪肯(Giles Deacon)设计的英特尔(Intel)华硕(Asus)笔记本电脑,到加雷斯•皮尤(Gareth Pugh)操刀的Vaio CR笔记本电脑等(实际上,皮尤似乎可以说是一位能够无拘无束地运用设计技巧的大师,他还与酩悦香槟(Mo?t & Chandon)合作,为其一款香槟酒瓶提供设计)。

尽管目前这代被人们所推崇的设计师,例如瓦伦蒂诺(Valentino)、罗伯托•卡沃利(Roberto Cavalli)等人,利用夏季扩大他们的社交圈,加强与名人的联系(以及晒日光浴),他们会邀请各色名流与其坐游艇度假,参观他们的城堡,但他们的继承人(特别是他们的英国继承人)似乎已完全接受了一种更商业化的路线。









因此虽然事实是与英特尔的合作使迪肯的名字在时尚普遍退居后台的时期出现在报纸上,事实是设计界和科技界前所未有地靠近(路易威登(Louis Vuitton)已制作了一款iPhone手机袋,你要知道其它大型品牌也不会落后多远),事实是在某些加拿大农场以外,由于黑莓、手机和笔记本电脑的存在,科技界已在很大程度上弥漫了假期,但我确信这意味着假期应该用来设计科技。有时甚至是诗人丁尼生(Tennyson)也会放下手中的笔。

In the summer, a young designer's fancy turns to thoughts of ... how they can supplement their income and prop up their businesses by creative collaborations with other industries, thus exploiting their aesthetic abilities without cannibalising their own work and optimising the only down-time fashion has to promote their name without using up their own marketing budget.

Well, that's not nearly as lyrical as you were expecting, is it?

But how else to interpret the sudden glut of limited-edition “fashion” technology, from Intel's Asus notebooks courtesy of Giles of the designing-out-of-the-box technique, also collaborating with Mo?t & Chandon on a champagne bottle).

Whereas the generation of designers now referred to as “venerable”, such as Valentino, Roberto Cavalli and co, used the summer months to reinforce their social and celebrity connections (and tans) by inviting various notables to holiday with them on their yachts and visit their chateaux, their heirs, and especially their English heirs, seem to have adopted an altogether more commercial approach.

Deacon, the Great New Hope of British fashion, who is more generally known for his dramatic silhouettes and patterns than his understanding of circuitry, says of the Vaio link-up: “I thought it was a jolly idea – I like the technical aspect of it. Plus it helped keep the business ticking over and you never know where things might lead, in terms of sponsorship.”

In other words, he implied, this was a fairly easy and even fun way to make a buck and get publicity, especially for someone with no advertising power to speak of. It is certainly in line with socio-economic trends, which show most people working longer hours and taking fewer holidays. Why should fashion be exempt? It is, after all, charged with observing life-style trends and reflecting them back at us in some concrete form. I can't help wondering, though, if perhaps even the most prolifically creative among us are better off when they take a vacation. I know I am.

I can always tell when I have been writing too much for too long – my sentences start to display a tell-tale sameness. There is an over-use of words such as “anyway” and “indeed.” The rhythm of paragraphs strike repetitive beats.

This is a familiar problem for designers. One of the ongoing debates in the fashion world has to do with the fact that creative directors are now required to produce so many collections that they don't have time to think about what they want to make, or refine their ideas. They don't have time, in effect, to be creative.

In the old days, when Valentino cruised around the Med he was relaxing and finding sea shells whose inner pink shade might inspire an entire season. These days, that's a luxury.

For his part, Deacon says creating something as “other” as a computer is actually a mental rest for him – it exercises a different muscle from, say, the one needed to make a ballgown. And to a certain extent I am sure this is true – certainly more true than, say, designing another clothing collection, the last century's big solution to a designer's cash flow problems. It's the equivalent, I suppose, of a working vacation. The thing is, having taken a few of those myself, I find they are rarely satisfactory in either relaxation or professional terms.

Back in the dark ages of my career, for example, when I used to write about beauty products for glossy magazines, I often carted my husband-to-be with me to spas in exotic Caribbean locales. Inevitably, he had a nice time lazing on the beach while I was shown around the facility by a press manager. He swam, I took notes. Fun.

Last month, however, I spent two weeks in my in-laws' cabin on a farm in the backwoods of Canada with one phone and no computer. My brain, which like that of most working mothers has a habit of leaping from one compartment to another like a hyperactive rabbit, became practically sedentary. It was ... weird. And then great.

So while it is true that the Intel collaboration kept Deacon's name in the papers during a period when fashion generally fades into the background, and it is true that the worlds of design and technology are getting ever closer (Louis Vuitton has already made an iPhone carrier, and you know the other mega brands won't be far behind), and it is true that outside of certain Canadian farms the world of technology has mostly penetrated the world of the holiday thanks to the BlackBerry, mobile phone and laptop, I'm still not convinced this means holidays should be used to design technology. Sometimes even Tennyson put down his pen.

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